martes, 14 de abril de 2020

Colpbol main rules

Hi everyone again! We are going to refresh some of the  colpbol´smain rules.

These are the main rules of this fun game:

► Tip-off
  • The referee will toss the ball up in between two players like in basketball. The rest of the players must maintain a distance of at least 3 metres.

► The active player can 
  • Each player can only hit the ball 1 time with their hands, arms or any other part of the upper body.

► The goalkeeper
  • He/she can stop the ball with any part of the body, including feet while they are in the goalkeeper area. Outside of this area, he/she will play as a regular player.
  • He/she cannot hold or grab the ball with their hands nor feet. He/she can only knock the ball away.

► The active player cannnot... (fouls will result in change of possession)
  • Hit the ball twice.
  • Hold, grab, or throw the ball with one or both hands.
  • Intentionally touch the ball with legs or feet.
  • Push or grab the opponent.
  • Be within 3 metres of the tip-off.

* All infractions result in a foul. When fouled, a team will throw the ball in from the sideline in the location closest to where the foul was committed.

► Other rules
  • If the ball leaves the playing field, the team who did not cause the ball to go out will have a free throw-in from the sideline, closest to where the ball went out.
  • If a player unintentionally touches the ball with his/her feet or legs, the referee will yell “rebote, continuamos”, and the game continues without stopping.

► Scoring a goal
  • A goal is scored when the entire ball crosses the goal line. An offensive player must score hitting the ball with any part of the upper body

Now, you can check what you know about colpbol answering these questions:

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