Happy Monday boys and girls!!😤😤😤
How are you doing? These days without you are being so quiet but we will
see each other again very soon.
Did you read about floorball and watch the videos? We hope you enjoyed
Today, we are going to tell you what to
do this week (of course, related
to floorbal)
Firstable, we want you to see the next blog about how to make a floorball
stick just in case you want to create your own stick and use it at home, but
please, be carefull! Or you can also use a broom.
VERY IMPORTANT: Lo que vamos a contaros debéis hacerlo los días que
tenéis Physical Education (mirad en la agenda el horario). Pero si
alguno o alguna quiere hacerlo más días, ¡fenomenal! Nunca sobra un poco de
ejercicio diario J.
How does it work?
For this week you have 5 challenges!!!
Os dejamos la siguiente tabla con las tareas que debéis hacer. Tenéis que
escribir el día que lo habéis hecho que, como he dicho, tiene que ser el día
que os toque Physical Education (por ejemplo, Monday, 23th of March of 2020).
Si conseguís hacer esa tarea tenéis que poner un ✅ en el día que lo habéis conseguido. Si
no lo habéis podido hacer o no lo habéis completado hasta el final os pondréis
un ❌.
Let’s do it!
1. Make a zig-zag circuit. With your broom
and a little ball go and come back 2 times.
2. Use 2 bottles to make
a goal and one more for the goalkeeper. Make 5 goal shots trying to hit the
3. Complete circuit numer 1
4. Complete circuit number 2
5. Design your own circuit and playfloorball!
Ready for the challenges??
Don’t forger to fill the worksheet. When we come back to school we want to
see if you were able to complete them or not!
Here you have a video
about how to make all the challenges.
Hey oh, let’s go!
See you next Monday!
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